
To start searching our network of support workers, follow these steps:

  • Set up your profile

    Register online for free,and tell us what services you need and when you need them.

  • Search for a support worker

    Our curated network of quality disability support workers, based all over the country, offers you plenty of choice.

  • Make contact

    Once you find the supportworker you like, get in touch with them directly to see if they are a good fit for you or your loved one.

  • We take care of the rest

    We will host your NDIS funding and handle the administration and payment process, saving you the hassle.

Get more services with your NDIS funding

Hiring an independent support worker through Support Network comes with less overhead costs. This means your NDIS funding can go further, providing more services and hours of support for you or your loved one.


We believe every family should have choice over their support worker.

Finding a reliable disability support worker who is a good fit for you and your family is important. Support Network’s curated database makes it easy for you to find the right person in your local area.

Set up a profile today

What services do you need?

Find help with the following tasks:

Community Engagement

Domestic chores

Therapy support

Help with work and study


Personal Care


Independent Living

Ready to find a disability support worker?

Join today for FREE