Support Workers in Perth

Want to create your own support team? Keen to be in charge of your care?

Support Network makes it easy to find independent support workers in Perth WA. We’re a digital platform that connects you with care professionals in your local area, so you can choose the best people for your needs.


If you have an NDIS plan or a Home Care Package, use our network to search for support workers, choose the one who best meets your needs, and manage your care team. You’ll be in charge of your care, but we’ll take care of invoicing and payments for you.

Here’s why Support Network is a great choice:

  • Flexible hours

    Our independent support workers aren’t tied to a traditional provider, so can provide support at a time that suits you.

  • Safety checks

    All of the care professionals on our site have gone through all the relevant checks, so you can have peace of mind.

  • Less hassle

    Our team handles invoicing, payment from your funding and other admin tasks, which means less work from you.

  • Enjoy cost savings

    By using Support Network to hire your own support workers instead of going with a traditional provider, and you’ll cut down on admin fees, leaving you with more funding for your care.

  • Choice and control

    Hire independent aged care and disability support workers and stay in control of your support plan, choose your own team, and enjoy greater independence.