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Your profile photo is one of the first impressions clients have of you when they are searching for support workers on our platform. While it’s not necessary to have a professional photo taken, it may be worth putting a bit of thought into the image you upload. After all, a great image will help you better connect with clients!
Here are some tips to consider when uploading your profile photo:
A profile photo isn’t very big on a client’s device, especially if they’re on a mobile phone. If you upload a photo of your whole body, it will be difficult to see your face. Instead, choose a photo that only shows your face and shoulders.
Remember to remove your hat or sunglasses before taking a photo. If possible, try to make sure your face is clearly seen and well-lit with no shadows. A blurry or dark photo doesn’t connect as well with clients (plus it’s harder to see your smiling face!).
While we’re on the topic of smiling, experience tells us that smiling photos are better received by clients, as it makes you seem more friendly, authentic, warm and approachable – all desirable qualities in the care industry.
While it’s tempting to use the first photo that comes up on your phone and crop other people out, this can make your profile appear less professional. Instead, get someone to take a photo of you standing or sitting on your own.
Once you’ve chosen your photo, upload it to your profile by logging in, selecting ‘profile’ on the dashboard menu, and going to the ‘about me’ section. You can also change your photo at any time by simply selecting ‘edit’ next to your photo. Good luck!
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