Find Support Workers in Geelong

Support Network connects you with support workers in Geelong, making it simple to find competent professionals to deliver your care plan. With our services, you can adjust your services how you want, giving you more freedom and control. 

Try us today to find independent care professionals. Discover who is available and how they can help you live the independent and fulfilling life you want.  


Support Network makes finding Aged Care and disability support workers easy. Our streamlined service lets you locate the qualified and experienced carers you need to live your life how you want. Simply log into our portal and adjust your care routine as you see fit. You have control when you come to us.

Here’s why people love Support Network:

  • Choice and control

    With Support Network, you can choose the NDIS and Aged Care services you receive instead of accepting whatever your provider delivers. This option puts you firmly in the driving seat, allowing you to craft a team of people who meet your needs.

  • Affordable pricing

    With Support Network, you can get the Aged Care and disability support workers you need at a lower cost. Finding the best deals is straightforward, leaving more funding for the in-home services you need.

  • Streamlined service

    We reduce the paperwork you need to do when using a personal support worker by managing the admin for you. We deal with funding, disability carer instructions and much more so you don’t have to.

  • Safety checks

    Every Aged Care and NDIS support worker in our network must endure rigorous safeguarding checks to ensure suitability for the role. Our team conducts interviews and background checks on every applicant for peace of mind.

  • Flexible working

    Our independent support workers aren’t tied to conventional providers, meaning you can get the people you need fast without annoying bureaucracy. Whether you need a personal care assistant or a disability support carer, you will always find someone through us.

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