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Support Network offers a unique, user-friendly platform that makes finding support workers in Launceston easy. We connect you with dozens of professionals in your area, giving you total control over your care plan.
Support Network skips the hassle of working through a registered provider. Instead, we help you go directly to the source: the disability support workers and carers who look after you. This approach reduces costs and improves service quality by putting you in the driver’s seat.
Support Network’s platform allows you to find the ideal Launceston community support worker at an affordable price. Our approach reduces costs by skipping the overheads associated with a conventional agency, helping you find independent support worker caregivers ready to help you according to your requirements. Choose the specific professionals you want to visit your home, the skillset they should have, and any additional qualifications you require. We put the power in your hands.
Support Network lets you choose the hours your aged or NDIS support worker visits you. Unlike registered providers, you control their timetable and decide when they assist.
Support Network offers peace of mind by vetting and screening NDIS workers and aged care support staff. We check all professionals in Launceston to ensure they are safe to work with vulnerable adults.
Support Network bypasses the traditional costs associated with finding a personal care worker. Our platform removes agency expense overheads, allowing your funding to go further.
Support Network puts you in control and lets you negotiate one-on-one with your personal care assistant or mental health support worker over pricing. Our platform-based approach means you receive services from who you want when you want.
Support Network’s tools take care of your finances, from invoicing your care worker to managing your government funding. We reduce admin like registered providers but also lower your costs.
Support Network makes it simple to find an aged care or disability worker who meets your needs. Our platform streamlines the process, allowing you to get the support you require, without worrying about screening, background checks, or finding suitable people independently.
Do you want to find NDIS or aged care workers in Launceston while avoiding using a support worker agency? Register for free today to try Support Network for yourself. Finding the ideal home support worker has never been easier!
Yes, you can hire an individual support worker through Support Network, even if you have one elsewhere. NDIA and My Aged Care rules give you full sovereignty, allowing you to decide who you work with and how.
If you want to keep your existing residential support worker in Launceston but switch to managing all your care professionals on Support Network, you can. Simply invite them to sign up and register once you create your account.
Registration is free, so sign up today and start experiencing the benefits for yourself. Discover just how easy it is to manage your care when you use Support Network.
You need to write a service agreement when you arrange your care independently. This document outlines the relationship between you and your aged/NDIS carers. The formal paperwork describes each party’s obligations to the other, including the terms and conditions relating to service provision and visits.
Support Network can help you create a service agreement with your NDIS or aged support worker. Our tools make it simpler to put a document together, (although you can do it yourself if you want).
Ideally, a private support worker service agreement should include:
Details about the services your support worker will provide
When the carer will be available to work (including the hours they can provide services)
The pricing of their services (even if your funding comes from government sources)
The length of the service agreement (including indefinite lengths)
Privacy and safety rules
A process for handling disagreements
Rules for professional behaviour and conduct by the home carer
You and the aged/disability care worker should sign the document. Once it is in writing, all parties know where they stand.
If you require an independent support worker (NDIS) in Launceston, use Support Network. Our platform connects you with suitable professionals for free. Register today and start experiencing the benefits immediately.
An independent community disability support worker is a freelancer instead of being part of an agency. While they have the same skills as those in formal employment, they choose to provide care services independent of any registered provider.
Support Network helps you find a support worker who works alone. This setup gives you more control, allowing you to choose when they work and how often they visit, all while avoiding high agency overheads and fees.
Fortunately, you can still use your government funding to spend on these professionals’ services. For example, you can use disability money to pay for an NDIS independent support worker to assist with mobility and transportation.
The benefits of using independent support workers are extensive, including:
Greater flexibility over who comes to your house and when
The ability to hire the aged and disability support workers in Launceston that you want (instead of having to accept whoever the care agency gives you)
Enjoy more involvement in your care, allowing you to reduce reliance on your providers’ team
Of course, you could also go to a registered provider. These have more accountability than independent contractors, but you will pay extra for the same service provision.
Registering with Support Network is free. Sign up today to find independent carers who can meet your needs.
Support Network makes it easy to post ads to find suitable carers. This tool lets you specify precisely what you want, increasing the likelihood of getting someone who is right for you.
You can post a job ad on Support Network by signing up, creating a profile, and logging in. Then, go to “post a job” on your dashboard and enter the details into the form. Ensure you specify whether you want a professional or casual disability support worker, the services you require (e.g. meal preparation, transportation, etc.) and gender preferences for your carer (male or female).
Support Network’s admin staff will then screen your ad and post it. Then, all you have to do is wait for notifications from private disability support workers showing an interest in taking the job.
Sign up today for Support Network and start experiencing the benefits immediately. Registration is free, so there’s no excuse not to get started.
If you are experiencing any difficulties in using Support Network’s platform to find an aged or disability support carer, talk to our team. Our experts are available daily to assist you, no matter where you are in Australia. We can help with everything from setting up your account to writing complex job ads. Nothing is too much hassle.
Talk to us today and ask questions about our services. Discover how easy it is to use our service to post jobs and find the care professionals you need.
You will find several types of aged and in-home disability support worker professionals in Launceston when you use Support Network. We maintain a vast network across Australia, providing more choices than standard agencies.
Here are some of your options:
Mental health worker – a care professional who can help you manage challenges like depression, anxiety, and psychiatric disorders
Behaviour support worker – a professional who can help you manage your emotions, including anger, irritability, or dysregulated mood
Senior support worker – an experienced carer who can assist with complex care needs, including dementia support
Healthcare support worker – a care professional who liaises with your broader care team and doctor to ensure the best possible medications and lifestyle
If you can’t find the care professional you want on our site, contact our team. We can help you find the right disability or aged care community support worker in your area.
Support Network invests considerable time and energy in screening and background-checking support workers in its network, just like a regular disability support worker agency. We ensure all care professionals using our site are safe to work around vulnerable adults and children for peace of mind, whether you are hiring support staff for yourself or a loved one.
Furthermore, you can check the qualifications and experience of carers in our network on their profiles. We list all relevant information to make it simpler to choose the right person.
Do you need a health support worker in Launceston? Register with Support Network today for free and find affordable, flexible professionals ready to meet your needs.
You can continue using support worker agencies close to your home or switch to Support Network if you want your funding to go further. Ultimately, it’s your choice.
With Support Network, you get numerous benefits, including:
Assistance with finding care professionals who can meet your requirements
Help with setting up your account
High levels of safety with full background checks performed on all care professionals in the network
A wide array of allied healthcare professionals, including nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, mental health services, palliative care and occupational therapists
Affordable pricing by skipping the middle man
Whether you require a disability carer or an aged support worker, Support Network is here to help. Register for free today to start experiencing the benefits and discover how much better your care plan could be when you come to us.
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