The Support network website is designed to assist you to find the best possible support workers for your care requirements.
The website allows you to choose self managed options or full service options.
When you select self managed option, you’re taken through a series of steps to navigate the website and directly find your Support Worker. The website enables you to negotiate directly with the Support Worker the fees that they charge.
If you choose a full service provider option, then you will be prompted to call Support network care advisor team and they will take down your requirements and work out which Home Care provider is the best one for you.
You then receive quotes from the Home Care providers and you will select the provider that you want.
Support network can help you compare quotes that you receive from service providers.
We request that you provide feedback and complete the ratings of both support workers and providers. We also encourage clients to give recommendations of doctor’s, dentist’s and therapists and anyone else that’s helped them in their care journey.
We really believe the support network should be a knowledge Bank that’s a collection of everyone’s best outcomes and everyone’s best contacts. And then if we all share together we all end up accessing better care.
We believe clients have the best knowledge of who are the best service people within the industry. We believe that clients can help each other by providing recommendations and feedback about their experiences about support workers , doctors and any other provider within the industry.
Having this community spirit within their support network is a big part of the evolution of the platform. Whilst support workers are the key component of the platform currently we see that more and more individual healthcare professionals and therapist will join the platform and be shared by clients with other clients. With the benefit of the client giving recommendations and ratings.
The growth of the Support network platform is an exciting time for support network over the next three years. So people who use the platform really feel like they’re getting value from the platform and also giving back to the platform which is essentially a community and if I can say a family or an extended family Where we all want to help each other and achieve a better care industry . And we all want access better Care.
As the support network grows and people get more from the platform in terms of better healthcare outcomes they will feel more strongly about sharing their contacts and experiences with other people. And therefore the platform grows organically and strongly and get stronger and stronger each year as more and more people share their success stories and share who are the best support workers and who are the best doctors and who are the best nurses.
There are many more parties to the platform including behavioural support therapist., Occupational therapist, exercise physiologist, Physcio Therapist, and many more niche our health providers.
Support networks philosophy is to save you money. The bulk of your care will be provided by support workers. We believe the support workers are the critical part of your Home Care.
Support workers who are trained to identify healthcare risk and also share the correct information with support network. Will provide you with better healthcare outcomes.
Support network endeavours to engage with the best support workers and ensure they are appropriately trained and experience ongoing mentor programs.
Support network will profile the training and qualifications that the support workers have recently achieved. This will enable you to identify which support workers are more qualified and which ones are more engaged in improving.
We believe that support workers who attend regular training will achieve better outcomes. If we can be transparent with the training that each support work has done then you are aware of their training program. Then you can make wise decisions in selecting your support workers.
One of the important factors of a marketplace is transparency which enables growth in the industry. Training is just one factor that is evolving as a transparent component in a Support Worker profile. Usually support workers do annual training and annual accreditations. However there is an opportunity report on the additional training they do within the course of the year to the clients.
Support workers tend to be very focused on training as it this part of their ethos in providing great quality care and consistent with their passion for Care. A lot of support workers are in the industry because their passionate about giving care to those in Needs.
There are a number of Carer support groups who come together to enable support workers to meet and share their experiences and support each other. This may be an area support network can play a role in connecting support workers with other support workers who want to meet up or Linked together and help each other in a support group.
Support workers to get support from support network and we do provide them with as much support as they need. Support workers to experience some tough working experiences which we need to support them with. Sometimes it’s making decisions or sometimes it is enforcing boundaries that can be difficult. These are the times where the Support network team are there to support the Support Worker.
Support network does all this so that you have a better and more qualified Support Worker who is fully supported and confident about what they do.
Support network is designed to help you navigate and find support workers who are appropriate for your care requirements over the course of your life.
Support network believes that the Support Worker agrees their rates directly with clients and that the market determines the ultimate price paid. We are conscious that the workers must be paid above the award. And we have measures in place to ensure this happens.
When Support workers are from overseas and we always know their language languages and English skills. Obviously all qualifications must be in Australia for support workers to operate on the Support network platform.
Support workers are highly respected by Support network. We believe they are the foundation of a good Home Care industry. We believe support workers are the face of the industry.
When selecting your Support Worker always enquire if they have a car and if they can provide transport to you. All these important points are to ensure that you select the correct care Worker.
Support workers also have hobbies and sometimes it’s great to consider the hobbies of a support worker and your own hobbies and see if you can have some common connections between you and sometimes your support worker will assist you to attend or participate in the hobby with you. A great subtle point is finding out your support workers hobbies. Sometimes it’s not always top of mind when interviewing support workers.
Support network does have some guidance papers and check lists on how to interview and screen support workers. Interviewing support workers is a critical part of getting good care outcomes. You are encouraged to have your family member help you with the interview or be part of the interview as a second opinion is always important. Like Like anything you get better at interviews the more you do. So it’s a good way to improve the way you interview support workers by doing a few of them. You determine whether you would like a buddy shift with or a trial shift with your new Support Worker. The support network team can help you engage and Setup your care worker Team. Having a trial period is often a good way to get started.
Asking all little questions like how many clients they service a day and other things like that may also help you out if the Support Worker is the right one for you. You may want ones that are more flexible and have more days available that will suit you. There’s a number of factors that you’ll take into account.
Depending on where you live will determine how much choice you have with support workers. Always let Support network know if you feel like you don’t have enough choice in your Support Worker pool in your area. Support network can always find more support workers for you and it is our job to ensure that you have good choice.
Support network does provide Care to all parts of Australia. There are some locations where we are less covered with support workers than others. Please let us know if this is the case and we will improve. The great thing about support network is that it’s a powerful platform that genuinely can find Support Worker quickly for you if we don’t have any on the platform. We will still go through the same screening and thorough process.
Support network really does enjoy the feel of being a community based platform. We like having community values and we like to think of ourselves as having good family values.
Being a support worker on the Support Worker platform means you’re part of the community that’s very important to us. And we would love to say you’re part of the family.
Support network does encourage career growth of support workers. We encourage personal and Business growth. We are here to mentor support workers to achieve what they want to achieve.
Sometimes support workers can grow their career and be part of the Care management team. And we’ve had support workers who became branch managers. It really is a opportunity for you to grow when you join support network.
We’re collecting stories from support workers who have stories I’d like to share from their experiences with clients. We think it’s a great way for people to learn more about the industry and join the platform.
Being a marketplace collecting feedback from each part of the platform is an exciting way for the platform to evolve!
Support network needs to continuously think of ways to help support workers with their jobs. It’s an ongoing exciting project for Support network.
We encourage support workers to undertake marketing and business development to find clients who they can bring onto the platform. We pay support workers a bonus when they achieve signing up a new client. Support workers are the best advocates of a business and often they are in the community and can see people who need assistance and by letting them know about support network that can change someone’s life for the better.
We like to do business development and marketing training with our support workers to make them better business development operators. And sometimes support workers become full-time business development managers. It’s so good to see when a Support Worker has the thrill and the desire to connect with people in the community. Usually it’s the ones that really care about the community and an active in the community that are the best Care advises. The care advisor program is a program that focuses on supporting people to obtaining a care package which is often quite a difficult process to navigate. Care advisor’s operate in all parts of the community including church groups community centres clubs and they’re there to let people know how to connect with Home Care companies.
Support workers who operators care advisors generally have excellent people skills. They also understand the way the packages work and how to navigate the systems.
Support network provides Care advisor training to all support workers who are interested in attending training to improve their careers.
Care advises also know how to navigate the Support network website and help clients to find care workers. A strong part of a support worker is knowing how to interview Anne Howe to find the right support workers for clients. And offer they’re the best people to recommend support workers who they already know to clients.
We believe support workers can connect in a better way by using support network with each other.
We also want our support workers to be active participants within the community and we support them to do so. We believe that an active community member is someone who is deemed to be a leader in the future.
The Care advisor model has been a big part of the support network growth over the years. We believe it is a ecosystem that provides very positive improvements in the relationships between support workers and clients.
It’s almost a self-feeding relationship where the better the Support Worker is the better the client is and then in return improves the Support Worker and the Support Worker team.
Some support workers preferred to work in group homes or supported independent living where often the shifts are longer however generally these cases you work in a team rather than independently on your own.
The Support Worker should enquire with the support network team and be guided how to find the right jobs for them in terms of shifts and Number days of work per week.
Support puts a lot of effort into ensuring that support workers really get the clients they’re looking for, and the shifts they’re looking for.
Support workers are encouraged to meet with the management team regularly and give updates their Special requests.