Find Support Workers in Bunbury

At Support Network, we think finding support workers in Bunbury should be straightforward. That’s why we’ve built an advanced platform to help you connect with all the care professionals you need. 

Our approach bypasses the requirement to use registered providers. Instead, you can connect directly to real caregivers who can provide services under My Aged Care or NDIA schemes.


Support Network isn’t like conventional registered providers. Our streamlined “Uber for carers” makes funding a personal care assistant in Bunbury more affordable. You can post ads or hire NDIS workers without going through a middleman, putting more control in your hands, reducing stress, and helping you get more services from fixed funding.

Here’s why you’ll love Support Network:

  • It’s More Affordable

    Support Network makes finding aged and disability support workers more affordable. Our platform lets you connect directly with the people you need, cutting down on overheads and administration costs and making your money go further.

  • It Puts You In Control

    Support Network gives you complete control over when aged or disability support workers come to your home. With us, you’re in the driving seat and can create your own timetable. You don’t have to follow the care agency’s schedule.

  • It Takes Away The Stress

    Support Network takes away the stress of self-managing your care by providing numerous tools you can use to manage your personal care worker. You can organise your funding, send invoices and fill out paperwork, all using the platform.

  • It Gives You Peace Of Mind

    Support Network screens every aged care and NDIS support worker in our network to check they are safe to work with vulnerable adults and children. Every carer must go through a strict protocol, including police background checks for peace of mind.

  • It Gives You More Choice

    Support Network gives you more choices than any other platform regarding the care worker you want to work with. We have dozens of private carers in Bunbury with specialist skills in palliative care, dementia support, and mental health.

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