NDIS providers consist of approved providers and self managed providers.
Participants are able to choose whether they want a full service approved provider or a self managed NDIS provider that enables them to have more choice and control and to do their own rostering.
There are a number of benefits to using self managed NDIS provider which usually include a lower cost which means that participants get more care hours per week then they would otherwise. Choosing a self managed NDIS provider means the participant needs to take more accountability for managing their own care.
Managing your own care includes using a plan manager who will assist with the financial aspects of the package and drawing down of the package and reporting on how much of the package is remaining to be spent.
Support network works with a number of Plan managers and its objective is to provide you with a seamless service that includes both Care delivery and the financial aspects.
Having total control of your support workers and your finances is a big part of your independence. For some participant self management is a big part of their goals. Each participant should strive for their own independence as much as possible. Support network role as an NDIS provider is to provide the support and network to participants to enable them to live better lives by giving them more choice and control. And there’s no more control than using a self managed platform like support network.
Our name Support network reflects the philosophy of being part of a network. Who is there to support you with your Total needs in a holistic manner.
Selecting your NDIS provider is a very important part of your care journey. The support network team is here to assist you in making your decision correctly. Support network will offer you self manage options that are very cost-effective and if you request not to be self managed support network can also connect you with full service and NDIS providers that charge more and assist you. Manager care more.
Support network wants to help you connect with the best Care for your career requirements. Whether you choose a self manage provider or a full service NDIS provider WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU!
Successful self management requires the NDIS provider to give you the support and tools and documentation so that you can make self management a big success. Self management requires a framework which we call our care network.
There are a number of simple guides and checklist that participants can use for better outcomes. These include ways to engage with your disability support workers and how to document and ensure that your finances are in place.
NDIS providers are all regulated by the NDIS. And throughout 2025 the self managed NDIS providers will be required to be licensed. Support network is already undergoing preparation for being licensed ahead of the requirements of the NDIS. We look forward to these changes and believe the NDIS has been EXCELLENT IN ROLLING OUT THESE CHANGES THAT ENABLE PARTICIPANTS TO SELECT SELF MANAGED NDIS PROVIDERS.
One change that has not been confirmed by the NIS yet is the role of the Plan manager. There are some beliefs that the plan manager role will be removed by the NDIS. And this will have some changes for people who self manage. Support network will endeavour to provide the appropriate support to participants during any changes to the plan manager role.
Support network is well placed to assist participants with managing their finances and their packages using software and engaging with NDIS transactions and claims.
Support network is a leading NDIS provider that adopts technology for the use of participants that achieve better outcomes.
As support network grows, we will conduct interviews and feedback with NDIS providers to get their insights into what they are looking for from a marketplace. We see Support network role in being a marketplace that enables ALL NDIS providers to list their services and be reviewed and rated by clients.
Increasing the transparency of the marketplace is important for all. We believe one of the benefits of a marketplace is the ability for it to be more transparent and promote transparency to a new level which will benefit the whole industry. Marketplace is also gather important data from both sides of the marketplace which can be used to improve the quality of services.
Marketplace is often enable the industry to achieve a lower cost of service delivery. A key focus for support network is to ensure low cost care that is high-quality. Therefore, a big focus is on quality and compliance. As an NDIS provider support network employees a nurse to ensure that clinical aspects and compliance are fully adhered to.
The compliance of self managed NDIS providers will be a big focus in 2025. We believe this is important as industry emerges. Self managed NDIS providers play an important role in bringing down the cost of the NDIS. We believe the government needs to focus on bringing down the cost of the NDIS. Support network wants to help achieve this by providing a best in class self management platform. It’s interesting that at the moment icare funded participants do not have the choice to self management.
The various government funded Care streams will probably all adopt the use self managed models. There are a number of healthcare providers that are also enabling self managed healthcare.
Amazon has an interesting healthcare model which is worth support network learning from and seeing how we can adopt it within the Home Care industry.
Amazon Health has been providing healthcare services for a number of years now. In an incredible transition which initially commenced with Warren Buffett being part of it. Warren Buffett believe there was an opportunity to help the US government in bringing down their cost of healthcare with Jeff Bezos. Ultimately the joint-venture did not go ahead however Amazon did it on their own and the achievement has been big.
NDIS Providers will all be adopting increasing amount of technology and evolving. The focus will be on how clients interact with their NDIS providers. And how compliance will be adhere to by all parties.
It’s incredible to see the amount of progress with the NDIS and healthcare system. Support network has usually had good access to the Australian government politicians to understand their views on self management. From all accounts it appears at self management is a genuine cost saver for the government. And whilst there was a number of debates as to whether they should remove self management as an option they made the correct decision.
NDIS self managed providers usually utilise workers as contractors. The contractors are independent contractors and make and choose their jobs and set the fees they charge. The benefits of being a contractor are more autonomy for the Worker as they are running their own business. Contractors are an important part of the worker pool within the home care industry. The contractor Pool of workers is an important part of the workforce of disability support workers who are required to service the huge number of participants and age care clients within Australia. There is a massive shortfall of workers to clients as the ageing population ages. We believe it is platforms like support network that they gonna provide the flexibility to workers that are enable more workers to join the platform at disability support workers and service more Australians.
Workers need a number of different options of work whether it be full-time casual or contractor. It’s important that workers have the right to choose their employment type or their own business.
Self managed NDIS providers model tend to attract contractors who won flexible work and the choice of which clients they work with and selling their own charges and prices.
Contractors are responsible for their own work and are held accountable by the clients. They can be engaged on the platform by either the client directly or an NDIS provider who needs workers.
NDIS providers are often short of staff or they need more diverse Workforce. Support network provides the NGS providers with the workers that they need quite often at a particular location or a particular culture that they need workers for.
Support network insures that the workers are qualified and verified and does screening checks for the NDS providers. Many NDIS providers PREFER TO USE SUPPORT NETWORK AS A SUPPLY OF WORKERS TO REDUCE THEIR REQUIREMENTS OF DOING THEIR RECRUITMENT INTERNALLY. It’s important for NDIS providers to be able to have access to high-quality workers to support the needs of the client on a timely basis. Support network also offers NDIS providers nurses. NURSES ARE OFTEN VERY HARD TO FIND AND HAVING A PLATFORM LIKE SUPPORT NETWORK THAT HAS NURSES READY AND ON-CALL IS A FABULOUS WAY TO GET NURSES TO CLIENTS IN A TIMELY MANNER.
Nurses also can assist NDIS providers with assessments and other administrative functions. They can also assist with putting together clinical governance models.
As support network grows as an organisation, we will endeavour to provide more highly qualified nurses, and eventually we will also provide doctors in medical teams and experts so that NDIS providers can access the best possible team for their clients. Because a lot of the best doctors work independently and our contractors themselves, the support network platform isn’t an ideal way for them to find additional clients.
Quite often clients cannot find the right medical teams to support their needs and having a support network platform that effectively profiles a Doctor and gives them a rating is away. That clients can find doctors that they wouldn’t have otherwise found. This is a profound advancement in the healthcare industry. If support network can play a role in better matching doctors to clients and a platform that can connect Patience with the best healthcare teams who have availability. Quite often, Patience get frustrated that they can’t get access to the Doctor They want all that the wait time is too long. Support network will strive to provide a more efficient market place for doctors so that Patience can find a Doctor Who is available. This will reduce wait times which can sometimes be very beneficial for Patience’s health outcomes.
NDIS providers will also be able to interact with doctors in a better and more efficient way. Support network will share the information of clients with doctors in real time so that everyone has access to the same information. This will be a big improvement to the way primary care interacts with Home Care. Having a Central place for medical records is critical to the next phase of the healthcare in Australia support network will probably not be the database that holds all the data however it will enable doctors to connect with the support network platform and take the data into their centralised database.
Support network is aware there are a number of tech companies working on the centralised healthcare databases. And support network will endeavour to integrate with them.
Healthcare data and the analysis of healthcare data is an important factor to improving the quality of healthcare and also the cost of healthcare in Australia. NDIS providers will play a big role in this sharing of healthcare data. Support Network has a focus on adopting technology and is placed to really be a leader in collecting healthcare data and integrating with the government.
Support network will have additional blogs in relation to healthcare data. Support network interacts with UTS University and learns more about the collection of healthcare data on a large scale.
There is an opportunity for machine learning to analyse the healthcare data that is collected from all Australians. There is a number of initiatives that we understand the UTS is working on. And that the NDIS is involved with.
Upcoming evolution of NDIS providers will also develop more ESG frameworks as they grow, and other changes that I expected are the way NDIS providers utilise workers with visas. There are opportunities to be involved with carbon credits in Papua New Guinea by sponsoring support workers from Papua New Guinea.
Carbon credits maybe come an important part for NDIS providers in Australia to take part in. Support network is meeting with UTS to learn more about carbon credits. They have some exciting programs in involving social carbon credits.
As an NDIS provider support network, is looking to assist UTS with their innovative programs.