Support Network  - How it works!

Support Network - How it works!

Support network website is ultimately and at achieving a seamless way for you to connect with support workers, nurses, and health professionals.

Support network has endeavoured to make the website ultra simple and we believe creating simplicity takes a little bit of genius.

You’ll notice the website is very much contained on the first page of the website which gives you a complete picture of what support that Work does. And enables you to register in a very simple way without asking too many questions. We encourage you to call our team and talk about the next steps with the team so they can assist you with creating a profile if you wish that additional support. It’s important that you don’t feel like you’re having to do it all on your own.

It’s important to get all your questions answered appropriately from the very beginning. Once you’re all set up. You’ll find that it’s very easy to find Your support workers, nurses and healthcare professionals ongoing.

Every little detail about the website has been carefully considered so that it makes it very easy to understand how the website works, how to find the services you need from the workers that you want. Even the menu has been designed in a very simplified way with very limited options. This is intended to give you very much a focused set of options that are located to all your needs without giving you too much information there are additional pages in the back of the website that are there for people that really want to dig deeper for additional information.

A big part of Support network focus is on quality. For us quality means being a trusted and reliable source of Services for you. We have a number of things in place for your protection. This is detailed throughout the website.

The main categories of Care are daily living, Home Care, personal care, Allied Health which includes things like physiotherapy speech therapy psychology and podiatrist. We also have a full range of experienced nurses on the support network platform that are there to assist you for things such as wound care, clinical assessment And much more.

There’s a number of auxiliary services that the team can provide you with these include things such as transportation, gardening, cleaning, bathing and feeding, social events, and community events. All the services are detailed on the homepage of the website.

We do have a dedicated page for each service type throughout the website for those people that want to understand more about the service and what the service entails. However, most people probably won’t need to go to the actual service page for each service.

We have simplified the way Funding is done on the website and we welcome people with an NDIS package and an age care package. You’ll find the finances section on the website very easy. And we have a range of plan managers that we work with.

The registration process for clients has been simplified so that you don’t need to know all the details about your care requirements upfront and we can talk through this with you with a qualified care team. Our objective is to make axis and Care very easy for you and your family.

We thought a lot about how we should enable clients to search for services on the website. And after a lot of thought and careful consideration we believe that displaying each service category on the homepage with an icon is the best way to display the Services. This removes any complicated search requirements with keywords and other things That are on other marketplace. You’ll also find the menu list all the service categories as well when you click on the menu. This can take you to each service page details the information regarding the service type on a dedicated page.

There’s a separate section for support workers who are looking for work to register on the website. We made this reasonably simple and people looking for work can register and they can also post their availability on the website as well.

You find the about our section on the menu and it’s below the other key menu items meaning that we believe it’s slightly less relevant to the user of the website. However we do detail all the information about us on the about us page. We tend to think this information is more for fewer people who are interested in the about us page.

With put quite a bit of effort into the questions and frequently asked questions pages. This does provide good information and insights into the regular questions that we’ve been asked.

The resources page are a collection of documents aimed at helping you achieve better self management. And will continue to provide more documentation and frameworks that we believe will give you the resources to achieve excellent self management with support workers, nurses, and allied health professionals.

Please note the term support workers is also known as disability support worker, carer, care worker, Social Worker, community worker. All these terms are generally interchangeable and we have adopted that approach on the website.

Nurses and allied health professionals are more qualified than support workers. The nurse is on our website. I generally registered nurses.

All the allied health professionals are appropriately qualified. And we verify their qualifications. Adelaide health professionals are abroad area of support and include occupational therapist physiotherapist speech therapist and exercise physiologist and a lot more. If you can’t find someone who’s appropriate for you, please let us know. We have a big database of Allied Health professionals so we can connect you with.

The website is also designed for providers who are shortstaffed and need access workers quickly and in an easy manner. Providers can register on the website and contact our Care team. And make the appropriate arrangements in order for them to access the workers. The most common workers that providers generally come to us for a support workers and nurses.

We believe the website will be well received by you. There are a number of areas that will continue to flesh out more information. We want to create a leading website that simplifies Home Care marketplace. We also endeavour to use more realistic images on our Support network website so we display more realistic images on the homepage. We have provided real photos and profiles of Support Worker and nurses who listed on the website to give you an idea of the profiles that you can be expected to see when you search.

We think it’s important have a number of these displayed on the homepage right up front. We’ve made it very easy for you to type in your postcode and look at support workers and nurses that are in Your Local area.

It becomes more exciting once you put in your postcard and you see wow look at all these people are available to assist me at home quite incredible.

The website currently doesn’t use AI. We have simply included the profile of the workers on their profile enabled. You just search the profiles. Like all things we look forward to seeing how AI will be able to improve the website in the future.

We have also changed our tagline which used to be family – community – values.. We are moving to a new tagline that simply says “connecting you to quality care”.

We have also included a few items on the website that we believe will encourage clients to switch from their current providers to us to save money. Support Network does genuinely tend to save clients money. Compared to other marketplaces. Support networks pitch is lower prices and more light touch support for you.

We’ve thought about many other taglines, including the famous “we’ll save you!”.

We obviously prefer original taglines, but you can see we put a lot of thought into how we explain support network and the key messages of the Brand. The thing about the Care industry is that actual execution and service delivery is the most important thing and that a brand and a tagline become very quickly meaningless. Clients should really get a feel very quickly from the first few minutes of reading the website about the type of company that support network is and the type of care that we strive to achieve. Including our drive for service excellence whilst being a self manage platform. Since 2020 we have updated the website twice and the third time being in February 2025.

It gives the support network team great pride in making improvements to the platform that will enable a real marketplace to organically grow and be self feeding and growing based on the uses of the website as they spread the word and then each user tells another user and that clients then tell more workers and more health professionals and the platform grows. And more and more reviews are collected.

We expect 2025 to be a great year for support network and we can’t wait to keep you updated with New achievements on the website.

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